PC World Interactive 2
PC World Interactive 2 - Eylül 1997.iso
Text File
58 lines
// This file is critical to proper system operation: DO NOT MODIFY
// Unit abbreviations, conversion factor, float precision.
0 = in Inch 0.0254 3 // 1/12 foot
1 = cm Centimeter 0.01 2 // 1/100 meter
2 = mm Millimeter 0.001 1 // 1/1000 meter
3 = pel Pixel 0.00025 0 // obsolete
4 = pt Point 0.00035277778 1 // 1/72 inch
5 = % Percent 0.0 0 // % offset
6 = deg Degrees 0.0 0 // Angle
7 = cnt Count 0.0 0 // Counter
8 = log Logical 0.000024804688 0 // Internal logicals (1024/inch)
9 = tp TenthPoint 0.000035277778 1 // 1/720 inch
10 = ft Foot 0.3048 3 // 12 inches
11 = yd Yard 0.9144 3 // 3 feet
12 = M Meter 1.00 3 // 39.4 inches
13 = mi Mile 1609.344 3 // 5280 feet
14 = km Kilometer 1000.00 3 // 1000 meters
15 = u Micron 0.000001 0 // 10^-6 meter
16 = nm Nanometer 0.000000001 0 // 10^-9 meter
17 = A Angstrom 0.0000000001 0 // 10^-10 meter
18 = mil Mil 0.0000254 0 // 1/1000 inch
19 = nm NautMile 1852.355 3 // 6077 feet
20 = lm LoMetric 0.0001 0 // 1/10 mm
21 = hm HiMetric 0.00001 0 // 1/100 mm
22 = le LoEnglish 0.000254 0 // 1/100 inch
23 = he HiEnglish 0.0000254 0 // 1/1000 inch
24 = tw Twips 0.000017638889 0 // 1/1440 inch
// Units that are displayed in ruler setup dialog lists (max of 12 entries).
// The first three entries are used in the page setup dialog.
List = 0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
// PageSizes are used to initialize the selections the Page Setup dialog.
// Custom must always be the first entry.
// The description string (first field) must be 32 chars or less.
// Long unit name must be used for units (last field) (case insensitive).
// There must be 16 entries or less.
CUSTOM = "Custom" 0.0 0.0 INCH
LETTER = "Letter (8.5 x 11 in)" 8.5 11.0 INCH
LEGAL = "Legal (8.5 x 14 in)" 8.5 14.0 INCH
TABLOID = "Tabloid (11 x 17 in)" 11.0 17.0 INCH
A3 = "A3 (297 x 420 mm)" 297.0 420.0 MILLIMETER
A4 = "A4 (210 x 297 mm)" 210.0 297.0 MILLIMETER
A5 = "A5 (148 x 210 mm)" 148.0 210.0 MILLIMETER
B5 = "B5 (182 x 257 mm)" 182.0 257.0 MILLIMETER